Psalm 150 (The Message)

Praise God in his holy house of worship, praise him under the open skies; Praise him for his acts of power, Praise him for his magnificent greatness; Praise with a blast on the trumpet, praise by strumming soft strings; Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with banjo and flute; Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum, praise him with fiddles and mandolin. Let every living, breathing creature praise God!

Monday, January 08, 2007

A Big Night At TBG

Saturday Night was a night of Rhythm & Praise at the TBG Coffee House in Ashland City when X-alt and 30 to 40 of our old and new friends got together and had a good ole' time singing and praising God, drinking "Moses" and raising the roof. Just in case your wondering a "Moses" is a multiple shot espresso drink that will keep you going for days at a time and a favorite of our piano player Mark Mills (I think he drank two or three of them over the course of the evening) I personally drank water - I am sticking to my resolution to do away with caffeine, sodas, and fast food! (I think I Can, I think I Can, I Think I Can) anyway back to TBG, as I mentioned in my last post we were joined by Randy Janoski on Sax. Now we knew from practice that Randy was an incredible player but he blew us away on stage, don't believe me then watch this song recorded Saturday night (The video is kinda dark but the music is loud and clear!)

Lets Make A Baby King

So was that hot or what! That was Susie Reel on vocals, I tell you if you miss
X-ALT! you are really missing some great playing and singing (Am I bragging? yes, but we are having such a good time and were doing it to the glory of God so I can't help it!)

Another new song that made it's way to the stage Saturday night was "A Strange Way To Save The World" Katy sings her heart out on this one - Check it out...

Strange Way To Save The World

Both of those songs were held over from some of the Christmas programs we did last month, but a good song is a good song and I think those should be played anytime not just at Christmas!

Well what would an X-ALT! show be without some gospel classics? Saturday night was no exception here we are doing "He Touched Me and a bluesy version of Amazing Grace!

He Touched Me / Amazing Grace

It was a great night and a great kick off to what we all hope is going to be a great year for the
X-ALT! ministry. One last note about Saturday night, Brooke was having voice problems and was not up to singing lead on anything so after we finished our regular set with a kickin' version of "God Is My Rock" the crowd started calling for one of our standards from the "Rhythm & Praise" CD "Down To The River To Pray" which Brooke usually takes the lead on. With a little prodding, Suzy's daughter Jessica came on stage and took the lead on it and was wonderful. Unfortunately the video ran out before "God Is My Rock" and "Down To The River" so your just going to have to take my word for it!

Well the next two months are going to be busy for us, but keep checking back here each week and I will do my best to keep you up to date on all the is happening in the world of X-ALT!
Next stop is at Cumberland Heights Rehab. Center next Sunday. Rev. Ishee was kind enough to ask us back to lead their Sunday Service and we are glad to do it. Then it off the the Women's prison for what I'm sure will be a special Service on Saturday the 20th, then on the 21st we are back home at New Beginnings SMC for their 11:00am service.

We thank you all for your prayers, thoughts and support.
See you soon

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