Psalm 150 (The Message)

Praise God in his holy house of worship, praise him under the open skies; Praise him for his acts of power, Praise him for his magnificent greatness; Praise with a blast on the trumpet, praise by strumming soft strings; Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with banjo and flute; Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum, praise him with fiddles and mandolin. Let every living, breathing creature praise God!

Friday, February 22, 2008

God Is Good and Prayer Works!

Thank you all for your prayers for Mark as he underwent cancer surgery this week. The doctors tell us that the surgery went as expected and that their was no immediate indication that the cancer had spread. This is great news, that means that there will be no need for cemo or radiation treatments!!!
Mark is recovering in the hospital for the next week or so then will need a few weeks of recovery at home before getting back to a more normal schedule, but he will be back soon.
Prayer works folks and we thank you for yours.

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