Psalm 150 (The Message)

Praise God in his holy house of worship, praise him under the open skies; Praise him for his acts of power, Praise him for his magnificent greatness; Praise with a blast on the trumpet, praise by strumming soft strings; Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with banjo and flute; Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum, praise him with fiddles and mandolin. Let every living, breathing creature praise God!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Mark Pierce Rocks

I've mentioned before that we are a diverse group of players, writers and singers, many of us have other projects outside of X-alt.
Last Saturday night our ubber-talented guitarist Mark Pierce made an appearance with his other band "The Wreckingball" to what I understand was a happening crowd.
Here are a few pictures from the gig.

Check out their website - the link is in the links section and keep a eye out for The Wreckinball next time they are in your area.

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