Psalm 150 (The Message)

Praise God in his holy house of worship, praise him under the open skies; Praise him for his acts of power, Praise him for his magnificent greatness; Praise with a blast on the trumpet, praise by strumming soft strings; Praise him with castanets and dance, praise him with banjo and flute; Praise him with cymbals and a big bass drum, praise him with fiddles and mandolin. Let every living, breathing creature praise God!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Welcome Mark Pierce

It's been a great time in X-ALT! land. God blessed us by bringing Mark Pierce to us via a year old inner-net ad. Mark is a great guitar player and from the first practice with us we knew he was going to be a great addition to our ministry. We really put him to the test - after just one rehearsal we took him with us the next night when we returned to the TBG Coffee House In Ashland City TN where we played a rockin set to a good crowd. The music seemed to have a spark that had been missing, and we didn't even know it! The 2 hour show went just great, TBG is such a cool place to play, with a good size stage and a great sound and light system. We were on fire for the Lord that night! I knew something great was in the air when for the first time that I can remember Mark Mills looked out at a coffee house crowd and asked "Are you ready to go to church?" and that's just what we did.
After a day off we took the Lord's music to the good people at Woodbine UMC where our old buddy James Cole is the minister, it was another good Sunday of worship and even though the older congregation was not as vocal in their praise as they are at some churches we attend, we still saw smiles and folks singing along.
We don't do what we do for applause or a paycheck, we do it because we feel that this is the path the Lord has placed us on, sometime He feeds our egos (like he did Friday at TBG) and other times He lets us know it's all about Him and bringing the word of His love to His people (as was the case Sunday) but either way it is a great feeling to know that you are one He has chosen to spread His word and that you are being blessed in doing so. We're not perfect (no one is) we are just a group of regular people, who fall short of God's glory on a regular basis, but what a lesson it is to know that God chooses sinners like us to help spread his word. No one says you have to be perfect to be a Christian, if that were the case there would be no Christians. God commands that His people spread the Good News of Christ, to take it to the world so that everyone can know of His unending love. That is what we are trying to do in our own little way, we may never reach millions of people or lead to the salvation of nations, but it's enough to know that we may be helping the few people we play to take one step closer to the Lord, and at the same time we are making personal leaps forward. It is my prayer that God allows us to continue this ministry for years to come and that it may be a blessing to all we encounter. Because all the people we have met and all the churches where we have served have certainly been blessings to us.
Over the next few months we will be slowing down a bit to allow our members time for their family's and friends for the holidays but we won't be sitting still, we will be doing some special Christmas appearances and putting together new material that we can play in the new year and hopefully be looking toward a new X-ALT! CD.
Thanks to everyone who has supported us in our ministry and we look forward to seeing everyone again very soon. Keep checking the Blog for upcoming appearances and announcements.
God Bless you all

November and December Schedule
11/19 East End UMC 10:30 am service
11/27 New Beginnings SMC annual SMC conference meeting 7:00 pm
12/10 New Beginnings SMC 11:00 am service
12/16 Bellevue Mall Food Court Christmas Celebration 5:00 pm
12/21 Claibourne and Hughes Nursing Facility Christmas Party 6:00 pm

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